Aggelidis Paschalis
Aggelidis Paschalis
Aggelidis Paschalis
Aggelidis Paschalis
Paschalis was born in Alexandroupoli on February 1955. He studied art decoration, free drawing and colour composition in the city of Thessaloniki.
He studied under the instructions of the painter Dimitris Scretas in the engraving technique of the metal surface. He worked as a scene-painter and costume of stage-designer in various public theatres. He paints large dimensional wall-paintings in public and famous private establishments.
He lives in Makrinitsa, Pelion and the city of Volos since 1989. Often we use an idea in order to understandthe reality. The artist skilfully isolates it andmakes it stand out the immobility of the ancientstatues, that are imbued with continuity. Then he transfers to these portraits, human feeling sand he unexpectedly creates a theatrical scene, where the confessional monologue is prevailing. Aggelidis compromises indirectly the duration of human feelings. The artist adopts a negative stand against the art of antiquity of anxiously tries to relieve the contemporary man from the excessive seriousness and the mechanical way of living, offering himself the pleasure of questioning through his paintings.
The sophist Gorgias in one of his juridical speeches supports that in tragedy and in painting the one who cheats more, creating creatures similar to real ones, he is the best, because the poet’s and the technician’s goal is not the truth, but the people’s pleasure.