The high frequency and diversity of combinations presented make the “Stones” one of the dominant motifs in Sorogka’s work. They constitute the thematic area where the painter establishes a system of principles and rules that define the aesthetic path to be followed: simplicity, balance, the order of an inner rhythm, limitation of the written surface in relation to the unwritten, precise design and frontal, carefully calculated composition, almost a faint constitution of the design and color material. Regarding color, there is an increased use of white compared to the pictorial text, imperceptible tonal gradations of gray, and minimal, at times, use of red, blue, and pink. The formations of the stone associations evoke images of the Greek landscape. Often, among the stones, solitary red poppies are presented as a kind of resistance to time, decay, compatibility, and loneliness, simultaneously giving a poetic atmosphere to the work.
Maria Sarris