

50 × 70 × 2 cm


Mirror, Wood


Το έργο αυτό ανήκει σε μία μελέτη της σειράς Χώρος – Χρώμα που αρχίζει από το 1980. Η συγκεκριμένη αυτή ιδέα ταίριαζε και προσαρμοζόταν να γίνει ένας Καθρέπτης, ένα εφαρμοσμένο δηλαδή αντικείμενο. Τον Καθρέπτη σαν υλικό χρησιμοποιώ στη δουλειά μου από το 1982. Στο πολλαπλό αυτό τελικά γίνεται το κύριο θέμα της σύνθεσης.

Όπως και στις άλλες μου κατασκευές, συμμετέχει η ζωγραφική με το ανάγλυφο και την ύλη, που σ’αυτή τη σύνθεση είναι ο Καθρέπτης.

Όπυ Ζούνη

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Opi Zounis (1941-2008)

Zou Sarpakis Zouni was born in Cairo in 1941. She first studied painting there in 1959 – 1962, and then at the Athens School of Fine Arts in 1963-1968, G. Moralis workshop. She has held 65 solo exhibitions (18 abroad in France, Switzerland, Germany, etc.) and has participated in more than 300 group exhibitions in Greece and abroad. She participated in conferences of international organizations Int. Sculpture Center – S. Francisco / C. Gulbenkian Foundation – Lisbon, 1987 / ISIS – Symmetry – Washington 1995, Haifa 1998, Budapest 1999 / Wenner – Gren Foundations – Stockholm 2000 et al. Her works are in museums, public and private collections in Greece and abroad. Her work is distinguished by a geometric structure, recording with time the image that stands out and seals her work as a characteristic presence in the visual field. In 1997 a monograph was published (264 pages, 380 photographs by Adam) with works from 1964, while in 2003 a new monograph (182 pp., 240 photos, Obrestari publishing) was published with works by 1961. There have also been published 18 multi-page catalogs on the occasion of individual exhibitions in galleries, foundations and galleries. Her articles have been published in international books and magazines: Leonardo (volume 18 / 2,1985), Symmetry 2 (Pergamon Press, 1989), Arte e Tecnologia (C. Culbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, 1993), Symmetry 2000 , 2002).

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