Paintings through which Panagiotis Siagris renders essential parts of himself, using techniques, colors and materials in the best possible way. Canvases of large dimensions and smaller ones are “trapped” in plexiglass “windows”, on which he continues to create, often geometrically, “imprisoned” the abstract forms within the image created by his imagination and aesthetic approach.
The works gain another breath and dimension in space, showing shapes, shades of color and movement that are not visible at first sight. The intensity and shades of light that “caress” the paintings, give a uniqueness to each of them. The shuffling of different colors is something that Panagiotis Siagris does not hesitate to do, perhaps worrying about the result. He wants the work to lead him to what he wants, and he “marks” each time the course, builds alongside the result of moment. The creative search of Panagiotis Siagris in this case is more than effective, since the intensity is noticeable in everything you see, even in his favorite “swimming pools”, which for him is a particularly distinct piece of his work.