Ρόδια Ζωγραφικό Έργο του Θόδωρου Μανωλίδη στον Εικαστικό Κύκλο Sianti



36 × 26 cm


Pastel on paper


Created in 1988

“I am happy to have been fortunate to be born in the country of plastic eternity and I am grateful to America that has appreciated my work.” Source:

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The works of this second period combine extreme realism with a theatrical reality, since the still lifes and the human figures are approached with a hallucination, while they are sculptured by shallow, ancient angiographic representations, golden curtains and expensive, baroque in terms of opulence, carpets.


The artist himself states: "The modern extroverted man has no memory of the past thus he has no insight into the future. He only has a foggy presence. Only those with the longest memory have a longer future. I believe that through art, we utilize the positive qualities we all have within us. This is the art that is outlined timelessly in a two-dimensional form and at the same time is symbolic. It’s a composition of realism, fantasy and symbols. What’s the purpose you may ask? A sense on mystery from the obvious and perhaps an eternity of eternity. We live in a reality that is ultimately materialistic, where the existential riddle constantly changes concepts and interpretations and the ideas of good and evil are inconspicuous. Life passes without us having memories, without vindication of time and it’s treated as a random incident. The only way out is possible through the channels of spirit and if art can exist in a dimension without time. Perhaps it is the only hope in the agonizing effort of the soul for a little quality in such a short time of our life. " Source:
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