Kostas Spiriounis “At a Distant Horizon”
Title: “At a Distant Horizon”
Opening: Monday 14 May 2018, at 20.00
Place: ‘Ikastikos Kiklos Sianti’ Gallery (2, Vass. Alexandrou Av., behind the National Gallery)
Duration: 14 May 2018 – 9 June 2018.
Curator: Vassiliki Sianti
“At a Distant Horizon” is the title of Kostas I. Spiriounis’ painting exhibition which will be opened to the public on Monday 14 May, at 20.00, at the Ikastikos Kiklos Sianti Gallery (2, Vass. Alexandrou Av. & Michalakopoulou St., 11634 Athens, T: 210 7245432) and will remain open until the 9 th of June. In his new exhibition, the renowned visual artist will present his oil on linen works, the result of his creative
efforts during the last four years.
On Monday 14 May 2018, Ikastikos Kiklos Sianti (2, Vass. Alexandrou Av. & Michalakopoulou St., 11634 Athens, T: 210 7245432) will have the honor of presenting Kostas I. Spiriounis’ latest project, under the title “At a Distant Horizon”. The artist will be exhibiting his creations on linen, the fruit of his creative efforts during the last four years.
The exhibition will be opened by the art historian and Professor of Fine Arts, Mr. Manos Stefanidis. In his introductory notes, he states: “During the last decade, Kostas Spiriounis’ art has reached a considerable degree of maturity which enables him to address in the most sensitive and knowledgeable way, difficult issues such as loneliness, the idea of journey, our yearning for the unknown, our fear of things which exceed us and the love of both the animate and the inanimate. This is what painting is all about: bringing life to things which to others are non-existent. Offering a form to the invisible. Setting the conditions of immortality.
Even if Art cannot – and probably would not – change the world, it creates a different kind of miracle. It renders its subjects braver and more conscious in their despair. For what is art, after all? It is the human way of approaching a selfish kind of immortality. A joke with the power of organizing chaos. The prize of melancholy.” In his text, written explicitly for the exhibition, author Thanasis Niarchos also states: “In his paintings, Kostas Spiriounis glorifies the art of Painting – an art which is quite static in itself – by infusing it with a kind of energy which transforms it into a subterranean, raging torrent.”
With respect,
Sianti Vassiliki